Can bearded dragons eat water chestnuts?

How long does it take for bearded dragon to shed?

Bearded dragons typically take about **1 to 2 weeks** to complete the shedding process, though this can vary depending on factors like age, health, and environmental conditions. Here’s a breakdown:

1. **Baby and Juvenile Bearded Dragons**:  

   - They shed more frequently, often every few weeks, because they are growing rapidly.  

   - The process usually takes **3 to 7 days** since their skin is softer and thinner.

2. **Adult Bearded Dragons**:  

   - They shed less often, typically every few months, as their growth slows.  

   - The process can take **1 to 2 weeks** because their skin is thicker and more rigid.

### Factors Affecting Shedding:

- **Humidity**: Proper humidity levels (30-40%) help the process. Too dry or too humid conditions can cause issues.

- **Diet and Health**: A well-balanced diet with proper hydration and vitamins supports healthy shedding.

- **Stress**: Stress can delay shedding, so ensure their environment is calm and comfortable.

bearded dragon climbing a wall

### Signs of Shedding:

- Dull or grayish skin.

- Increased scratching or rubbing against objects.

- Loss of appetite (temporary).

If shedding takes longer than 2 weeks or seems problematic (e.g., stuck shed), consult a reptile vet.
