Can bearded dragons eat water chestnuts?

Bearded dragon zucchini

 Bearded dragons can eat zucchini, and it can be a healthy part of their diet when prepared and served correctly. Here’s what you need to know about feeding zucchini to your bearded dragon:

### Benefits of Zucchini for Bearded Dragons:

- **Hydration**: Zucchini has a high water content, which can help keep your bearded dragon hydrated.

- **Vitamins and Minerals**: It contains vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and magnesium, which are beneficial for their health.

- **Low in Oxalates**: Zucchini is low in oxalates, making it a safer choice compared to some other vegetables that can bind calcium. 

zucchini image

### How to Prepare Zucchini:

1. **Wash Thoroughly**: Rinse the zucchini to remove any pesticides or dirt.

2. **Cut into Small Pieces**: Chop the zucchini into small, bite-sized pieces that are easy for your bearded dragon to eat.

3. **Serve Raw or Lightly Cooked**: Bearded dragons can eat zucchini raw, but you can also lightly steam it to soften it if needed. Avoid adding any oils, seasonings, or butter.

4. **Remove Seeds**: While the seeds are not toxic, they can be hard to digest, so it’s best to remove them.

### How Often to Feed Zucchini:

- Zucchini should be part of a varied diet and not the main staple. Offer it as part of a mix of leafy greens and other vegetables.

- For adult bearded dragons, vegetables should make up about 20-30% of their diet, with the rest being insects.

- For juveniles, focus more on protein (insects) and offer vegetables occasionally.

### Other Vegetables to Mix with Zucchini:

- Collard greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, and butternut squash are great options to combine with zucchini for a balanced diet.

### Things to Avoid:

- Do not feed canned or pickled zucchini, as these often contain added salts or preservatives.

- Avoid feeding zucchini exclusively, as it lacks some essential nutrients needed for a balanced diet.

By incorporating zucchini into a varied and balanced diet, you can provide your bearded dragon with a nutritious and enjoyable meal!
